Société des Amis d'Alice Guy Blaché

Société des Amis d'Alice Guy Blaché

mardi 13 mars 2018

Alice Guy Blache Festival de Cannes 2018

Alice Guy Blache Festival de Cannes 2018
Teaser - Elle s'appelle Alice Guy from 68 Productions on Vimeo.

It seems incredible to me that until very recently the story of Alice Guy-Blache,

 of her contribution to the craft of film-making, her talent and inspriation
 to others has remained lost (or hidden, depending upon your perspective) 
As one of the first directors to ever make a film and most certainly
 the first woman she is an inspiration to female film-makers. 
She was a spirited, prolific & awesomely talented woman.
 There is only one question that remains: Why don't we all know 
about her contribution? At the very least, her name should resound through
 the lecture halls of every film school
 - after all Leni Riefenstahl gets this honour 
- and frankly as a Nazi propagandist - this baffles me, despite her obvious abilities.
 The fact that the story of the achievements and life of Alice Guy-Blache 
remains hidden is a total mystery to me, and it's time that was changed
. (Springboard Arts 2012)(Springboard Arts 2012)

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